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Currently reading

The Theory of the Leisure Class (Modern Library Classics)
Thorstein Veblen, Alan Wolfe
The Judas Rose - Suzette Haden Elgin, Susan Merrill Squier, Julie Vedder The sequel to Native Tongue, which I loved. It is quite good, and I can't wait to read the last part in the trilogy, but Native Tongue was definitely better. I really liked and empathized with the main characters in Native Tongue, whereas I can't even remember a character from The Judas Rose. And the men seem to have gotten dumber--it's much easier to trick them. In Native Tongue, I was always convinced that disaster lay only two pages ahead. The linguist women are so well-organized and enlightened (free of all the pesky jealousies and behavioral quirks that nearly led to their destruction in the last book) in the Judas Rose that I never doubted their success.